Live Reviews are topic-centered, interactive preprint review calls via a video conference tool such as Zoom. Outputs from Live Reviews can be used to improve a manuscript or be integrated into journal review workflows.

Core to PREreview's mission is increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in scholarly peer review. Live Reviews allow structured and constructive discussions following guided discussion questions that encourage diverse methods of participation. Through these events, we strive to support and empower the voices of our fellow researchers who have historically been underrepresented in scholarship and who are in the beginning stages of their research careers.

Who participates?

  • Two facilitators from our team with experience in hosting Live Reviews
  • A topic expert (optional) to guide participants through a constructive discussion
  • Preprint authors (optional) to gather live feedback on their preprint
  • Researchers who join from all over the world to collaborate on improving a preprint, build their network, and meet globally renowned experts

What are the event outputs?

After the call, our team works with the Live Review participants interested in authoring the review to summarize the discussion into a full PREreview that is then published on The reviewers will be listed as review authors using either their real name or their PREreview pseudonym persona. In some cases, the review resulting from the call is integrated into the journal-organized peer review process—e.g., a PREreview included as reviewer #3 in the eLife peer review process on a bioRxiv preprint.

Interested in PREreview Live Reviews?

To request our support to run a Live Review or to discuss how they can be integrated into your journal workflow email us at

Ongoing collaborations to host Live Reviews of preprints submitted to a journal include contracting work with JMIR Publications and Current Research in Neurobiology.