Happy Friday and welcome to our latest weeknote!
What’s new at PREreview?
Over the past week we facilitated our first round of community calls for 2023. During our February calls, we gathered reviewers’ feedback about our recently overhauled Full PREreview workflow.
We also improved the PREreview text editor for anyone on a slow connection. You might now see a ‘loading’ indicator until it’s ready to use.
Finally, we’ve rescued some older PREreviews so that they now display correctly. For historical reasons, these didn’t have DOIs: we’ve now minted them.
What’s next?
Next week we’ll be reviewing and advancing design mock-ups for our homepage. We’re also planning to add a bit more information to each review linking back to Zenodo (where we host our reviews) and the server hosting the preprint being reviewed.
Help us help you
If you’re interested in helping us shape the future of preprint peer review, please join us for any or all of the events below.
In March, we’ll host community calls sharing the latest news about design changes to PREreview.org. We’ll also ask for your feedback about improving our Rapid PREreview feature on those calls.
- March PREreview Community Call 1 - 14 March 2023, 14:00 UTC
- March PREreview Community Call 2 - 15 March 2023, 09:00 UTC
- March PREreview Community Call 3 - 16 March 2023, 19:00 UTC
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our February community calls about recent changes to the Full PREreview workflow!
If you’d like to chat about your experiences with PREreview in a smaller setting, sign up for an 30-minute interview with Chad Sansing, our product manager at PREreview.org. If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email Chad to arrange a call. Appointments begin in March. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees.
Shortly, we’ll be sharing more information about our participatory user research sprints planned for later this year. Subscribe to the newsletter for more information about the sprints. We’ll be compensating sprint participants whenever possible, as well.
Stay connected
Join us again next week for all the latest PREreview.org updates
Until then, you can find us on Mastodon (@prereview@mas.to), Twitter, and LinkedIn. Please also take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter.