Thank you for checking out this week’s update from!

What’s new at PREreview?

In addition to further preparing for our upcoming localization and translation work and starting more new PREreview clubs, this week we added support for early research outputs, including preprints, from Curvenote.

Our recent work to support the review of Pubs from Arcadia science and early research outputs from Curvenote and associated projects is meant to help us build use cases and learn about how PREreviewers would like to review objects that are not traditional preprints, but serve important purposes early in research and scholarly communications life-cycles.

If you have the chance to review such an object on, please let us know! We’d love to ask you how it went.

What’s next?

We’re continuing to iterate on our data dashboard and we’ll begin work on author feedback tools soon.

In the near future, we’ll also be making it possible to review more publications and early research outputs from projects supported by Curvenote.

Let us know what you think

Please consider setting up a user research interview with Head of Product Chad Sansing if you have feedback to share about Click here to sign up for a chat. If you can’t find an available appointment time that fits your schedule, please email Chad to arrange a call. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees.

You can also leave feedback, questions, and suggestions on the #community-feedback channel of our community Slack.

Stay connected

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