Thanks for joining us for this week’s update from!

What’s new at PREreview?

This week we made it possible for reviewers to search for a preprint by its URL, as well as by its DOI. This should make it easier than ever to pull a preprint into the platform for review.

We also linked each review back to its original preprint to lower the number of clicks it takes to go from a review to its preprint.

Finally, behind the scenes, we’ve been nudging our design work ahead towards an even more accessible, exciting, and welcoming homepage.

What’s next?

In addition to continuing our design work, we’ll be working on the backend of the platform to make it easier for us to tally the number of community members visiting different parts of our website. This will help us better understand what’s working well and what we need to improve for our community.

These improvements will only show us general data about the number of people visiting us - we won’t be collecting any more personal information.

Help us help you

Remember that you can directly shape the future of by joining us for our community events in March. We’d love to learn what you think about the site and your experiences there!

During our March community calls, we’ll ask for feedback about recent UX/UI changes. We’ll also invite feedback, questions, and suggestions about improving our Rapid PREreview feature.

Click on a link below to register for a call.

If you’d rather give feedback in a small-group or 1:1 setting, you can sign up for an 30-minute interview with Chad Sansing, Product Manager at If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email Chad to arrange a call. Appointments begin in March. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees.

New information about our participatory user research sprints will be shared soon. The first workshop will be facilitated twice in April. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information about the sprints. We’ll be compensating sprint participants whenever possible.

Stay connected

Check back next week for all the latest updates.

In the meantime, you can find us on Mastodon (, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Please also take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with the latest news about