As we move into the final months of 2024 (how did that happen already?!) we’re excited to share with you some big updates at PREreview and ways in which you can get involved to shape the future of our work. Get involved in Peer Review Week later this month, check out updates from our community members in Slack, and find out about upcoming events - read on to find out more!
Join our upcoming localization and translation community design sprints!

ENG: To kick off Peer Review Week 2024, we’re starting the translation of and our preprint review resources into Latin American Spanish (ES LatAm) and Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR). Your feedback will guide this effort, helping us make our work more globally accessible.
We will run one call on Wednesday, 25 September in English and Spanish and a second call on Thursday, 26 September in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Each call will be 90 minutes long. Active participants will receive $30 USD for their time, please only register for one event.
ES LatAm: Durante la Semana de la Revisión por Pares 2024 (Peer Review Week 2024), comenzaremos la traducción de y nuestros recursos de revisión de preprints al español latinoamericano (ES LatAm) y al portugués brasileño (PT-BR). Tus comentarios guiarán este esfuerzo, ayudándonos a hacer nuestro trabajo más accesible a nivel global.
Realizaremos una llamada el miércoles 25 de septiembre en inglés y español y una segunda llamada el jueves 26 de septiembre en inglés y portugués brasileño. Cada llamada tendrá una duración de 90 minutos. Los participantes activos recibirán $30 USD por su tiempo, regístrese solo para una llamada.
PT-BR: Durante a Semana da Revisão por Pares 2024 (Peer Review Week 2024), começaremos a traduzir a plataforma aberta e os nossos materiais educativos de revisão de preprints para o português brasileiro (PT BR) e para o espanhol latino-americano (ES LatAm). Seu feedback nos ajudará a tornar nosso trabalho mais globalmente acessível.
Teremos uma primeira chamada na quarta-feira, 25 de setembro, em inglês e espanhol, e uma segunda chamada na quinta-feira, 26 de setembro, em inglês e português do Brasil. Cada chamada terá 90 minutos de duração. Os participantes ativos na chamada receberão US$ 30 como compensação pelo seu tempo. Por favor, inscreva-se apenas para uma das chamadas.
- English & Spanish / Inglés y español - 09:00 PT /12:00 ET / 16:00 UTC on 25 September 2024 / Miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024:
- English & Brazilian Portugues / Inglês e português do Brasil - 9:00 PT /12:00 ET / 16:00 UTC on Thursday, 26 September 2024 / Quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2024:
Join a Live Review during Peer Review Week 2024!

We are busy during Peer Review Week as we are also holding a Live Review event in collaboration with JMIR Publications on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 16:00 UTC (find your local time here)
Together we’ll be discussing this preprint:
‘Development And Content Validity Of The Handwashing Index (HWI)’ - by Emmanuel Lamptey, Ephraim Kumi Senkyire, and Doris Selorm Agoha
Come along and join a global community of peers to help collaboratively provide feedback to the paper, following a series of guided, facilitated questions. Participants have the option to help author the final review and to be credited for their efforts.
Community building for a better tomorrow: Report on Pathways to Open Science, 2024
![A visual survey of participants from Community Call 2 answering the question - “What do you find motivating [about participating in this program]?”](
Pathways to Open Science is a remote event series for Black environmental & marine researchers to build community for the future of data intensive science. The program seeks to address the isolation often experienced by Black students and researchers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) within data-driven climate and sustainability fields. This initiative is a collaborative effort involving Black in Marine Science (BIMS), Black Women in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Science (BWEEMS), HBCU marine science faculty, and Openscapes. In its second year, the program awarded over 70 certificates of participation, supported by funding from the Mozilla Alumni Fund, which was secured through an alumni grant awarded to PREreview and Openscapes. The team expanded to include Dr. Antoinette Foster, former PREreview Open Reviewers Program Manager and an expert in racial equity and inclusive environments. For more details on how the team applied the sustainability principles of 'Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle' to iterate and develop the program in its second year, the outcomes achieved, and future plans, read the full blog post.
Highlights from the Slack Community

- Have you written a PREreview yet? No?! Chad has put together a handy flowchart showing how you can get started.
- If you have written a review, you might see this featured in our share-a-review channel!
- And if you’re looking for something to review, lots of authors have submitted requests for feedback so take a look at the request-a-review channel to find out where you can lend your expertise.
- Vanessa has posted a poll asking whether you would be interested in participating in PREreview community calls - have your say.
- Josie is looking to gather a few quotes from people who may have personal experience or who are passionate about institutional recognition of preprints. Reply to her thread here.
- Vanessa shared that the African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA), Figshare, and the Africa PID Alliance are running a free, 4-week online course, registration closes September 12.
- Ebuka shared news of the upcoming UbuntuNet-Connect 2024 conference on Oct 31 - Nov 1 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- Lisanna posted that registration is still open for both in-person and remote participation in the BioNT Community Event and CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024 on Nov 12 - 14.
- Anna would like you to attend the next ASAPbio Community call where they will hear from researchers based in India and Africa about their experiences with preprints.
- Chris shared his Upstream blog post ‘Drinking from the Firehose? Write More and Publish Less’ in which he mentions PREreview.
- Vanessa shared how the Not the Only One website now has over 10,000 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion articles, stories, and quotes to explore.
- Check out our introductions channel to say hello to our new community members or introduce yourself if you haven’t already done so.
Recent events

- 15 July - Live Review with the African Reproducibility Network (AREN) - online - published PREreview
- 18 July - Live Review with JMIR Publications - online - published PREreview
- 29-31 Jul- FSCI: PREreview Open Reviewers Workshop: A Hands-On Ethical Peer Review Training Program For Researchers of All Career Levels - slides & published PREreview
- 1-3 Aug - FORCE 11 Conference - slides
- 12 Aug - Live Review with the Rwanda Preprint Club - online - published PREreview
- 22 Aug - Live Review with JMIR Publications - online - published PREreview
- 5 Sept - Open peer review, collaborative preprint review, and opportunities to learn and teach others webinar with AfricArXiv - online - slides and recording
Upcoming events:
- 20 Sept - Workshop Access to Science & Scholarship - in-person, Washington DC - Daniela Saderi will moderate a panel on the Future of Peer Review - Full agenda
- 23-24 Sept - Paris Conference on Open Research Information - in-person - set up a meeting with Vanessa if you’re there!
- 25 Sept - PREreview localization & translation community design sprint (English & Spanish) - register
- 26 Sept - PREreview localization & translation community design sprint (English & Brazilian Portuguese) - register
- 26 Sept - Innovations in Peer Review CSE webinar - online - more information 27 Sept - Live Review with JMIR Publications - online - register
Support Open, Free Community-driven Preprint Review Infrastructure
We are guided by our mission and propelled by our vision for an open, community-driven scholarly communication future where everyone is empowered to contribute to constructive evaluation of research outputs. If you too share these values, help us by supporting our work!
PREreview is a sponsored project of Code for Science & Society. Code for Science and Society is a registered US 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law in the US. Tax ID 81-3791683
Past and present supporters of our work include:

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