Welcome to the May 2024 edition of the PREreview newsletter! We're thrilled to have you join us, read on to find out more about the newest developments on PREreview.org, upcoming events, and the latest news from our community. With a plethora of opportunities to engage with this month and a host of exciting things on the horizon for the rest of 2024, there's no shortage of reasons to dive in and be a part of the conversation.

Request-a-review on PREreview.org!
Exciting news! Authors and others in need of feedback can now request reviews of their preprints directly through our homepage, as well as through our COAR Notify Protocol integrations with bioRxiv and SciELO Preprints and our Community Slack.
To request a review, log into PREreview.org as usual, hit the new request-a-review button, and then enter your preprint DOI and choose which of your profiles - the public or pseudonymous one - that you’d like to use to make your request. After that, you’ll confirm and submit your request to the site - simple!
We’ll then share your review request on the new “Requests” page as well as sharing it in the PREreview Community Slack.
Organizational Membership Model Design Sprints - What We Learned

On April 10 we held two community design sprints aimed at collecting input to help us shape our new Organizational Membership Model.
While philanthropy has served as PREreview's primary funding source since its establishment in 2017, we want to create a more sustainable and participatory revenue model that continues to center our values whilst also enhancing collaborations with existing and new value-aligned partners.
We want to thank all our wonderful community members who provided such excellent feedback and suggestions. You can find out more about our goals for this model, what our community members prioritized, and what’s next in our summary blog post.
Launch of The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information!

PREreview is proud to support the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information!
Transparency and visibility is increasingly important for research information, including data for research evaluation and policy making. While open data sources are becoming more available, creating a truly open and inclusive information environment will require community action and coordination. The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information commit to taking a lead in transforming the way research information is used and produced.
Read more about it and stay tuned for an event later in the year.
Highlights from the Slack Community

- We have a new, threaded format over on the #request-a-review channel, providing you with keywords to make it easier to quickly determine the relevance of a preprint. Let us know what you think!
- We recently added the ability to add an avatar to your public PREreview profile. Chad would like to know what other kinds of information would you like to have added to your profile page?
- Daniela shared a big policy announcement from the Gates Foundation that “will cease support for individual article publishing fees, known as APCs, and mandate the use of preprints while advocating for their review”.
- Nahil let us know that The Forum for Annual Research in MENA call for papers is now open, submit yours before the 1st of June.
- Jonny shared that ASAPbio are setting up long-term crowd preprint review groups. If you'd be interested in co-leading a group please complete this form.
- Cast your vote and help choose the theme for Peer Review Week 2024!
- Daniela shared this scholarly kitchen post which helps to make sense of the different Open Access business models.
- Anna invites you to join ASAPbio on June 19th for their "Lunch & Learn: Actions you can take; writing a pitch for a preprint focussed opinion piece"
- Safieh shared that the 2024 International Research Software Funders Workshop happening this year in September from 11-13th, 2024 in Uppsala, Sweden
- FORCE11 are constructing their agenda for the 2024 conference in Los Angeles, Aug 1-3. They invite you to join the conversation and submit a session proposal!
- Amber invites you to take the SSP survey to share challenges and aspirations in scholarly publishing from your region.
- Daniela shared an article about Championing humanity in the age of AI.
- Also, there are a number of #jobs-and-opportunities available to check out including upcoming capacity-building opportunities via CZI.

Where we've been:
- 11 Mar - Empowering Researchers: Harnessing Preprints for Academic Excellence - hybrid, Lagos, Nigeria - event highlights and recordings
- 21/22 Mar - Year of Open Science Culminating Conference - online - recordings and slides
- 9 Apr - OASPA The Impact of Plan S: A Discussion on Findings So Far - online - recording
- 17 Apr - Open Reviewers workshop in collaboration with Open Box Science - online - recording and slides
- 19 Apr - Live Review with JMIR Publications - online - PREreview published
- 23 Apr - Barcelona Declaration Official Launch Webinar
- 25 Apr - AESIS Network virtual conference Open Science and Societal Impact - online - slides
- Apr - OLS & NASA TOPS Nebula Cohort Session 2: The Ethos of Open Science - The basics of Open Science - online - recording & Session 10 - Sharing Open Results: Open Access Publication and Preprints - online - recording and slides
- 6 May - 2024 CSE Annual Meeting - A Community-Based and Scholar-Led Open Research System: What Will This Look Like and How Do We Get There? - Portland, OR, USA - in person
- 20 & 22 May - Open Peer Review workshop in collaboration with the African Reproducibility Network (AREN) - online
- 23 May - Live Review with JMIR Publications - online - register
- 30 May - ORCID in the Wild featuring PREreview - online - register
- 11-14 Jun - CZI 2024 Open Science Meeting, Boston MA, USA - in person
- 29-31 Jul- FSCI: PREreview Open Reviewers Workshop: A Hands-On Ethical Peer Review Training Program For Researchers of All Career Levels - in person - register
- 1-3 Aug - FORCE2024 Conference - UCLA, Los Angeles in person - register
Image Credits: pepifoto, goodstudio, and Uniconlabs
Support Open, Free Community-driven Preprint Review Infrastructure
We are guided by our mission and propelled by our vision for an open, community-driven scholarly communication future where everyone is empowered to contribute to constructive evaluation of research outputs. If you too share these values, help us by supporting our work!
PREreview is a sponsored project of Code for Science & Society. Code for Science and Society is a registered US 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law in the US. Tax ID 81-3791683
Past and present supporters of our work include:

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