After a bit of a break for our first ever in-person all-hands meeting and subsequent planning, we’re back with a new weeknote from!

What’s new at PREreview?

This week, we’ve continued overhauling our onboarding process, building in automated email collection to help us contact users when absolutely necessary to investigate competing interests, code of conduct reports, and bugs that might come up during the PREreview publication process. We’ll be further refining our email collection soon to create an easy opt-in opportunity for other kinds of contact from us (like signing up for special announcements or our newsletter). However, we will not share your email, and it will not display on your public or pseudonymous profile.

In the near future, you may be asked to verify your email when you next login or publish a PREreview. Please take a moment to do so - it should be a 1-time event that will help us keep the community safe and address any bugs that pop up during publication.

You may also notice a new banner just under the fold of our homepage sharing our commitments to TOPS and the Year of Open Science. We are excited to support this vital work!

What’s next?

In addition to finalizing our  goal-setting and planning for 2024, we’ll be facilitating our end-of-year design sprints next week, wrapping up current onboarding work, working on writing review activity to ORCID, and getting our request-a-review feature ready for a pilot launch.

Please join us for one of our sprint calls if you’d like to share your PREreview experiences with us!

Let us know what you think

Remember to share your feedback, questions, and suggestions about by scheduling a user research interview with Product Manager Chad Sansing. Click here to sign up for a chat. If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email Chad to arrange a call. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees.

When you join our community Slack, you can share your PREreview stories on the #community-feedback channel, as well.

Stay connected

Check back next week for another update from

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