Thanks for joining us for this week’s update on!

What’s new at PREreview?

This week we improved how our “Add a PREreview” and “Review a preprint” buttons so that you’ll have a smoother experience moving from our homepage to autoring your PREreview on the site.

We also made a bunch of changes behind the scenes to make it easier for us to update as we continue overhauling its homepage and features.

What’s next?

We are getting closer and closer to releasing our new homepage to production. Check out in the meantime for a preview of what we’re working on right now.

Let us know what you think

Join us to learn more about our soon-to-be-released design changes and our Rapid PREreview overhaul by registering for one of our May community calls. Click on a link below to join a call.

Our April community design sprints were so successful that we’re bringing them back in June! Join us for either of these two-hour, participatory workshops and help us re-imagine how individuals, clubs, communities, and groups show up on We are delighted to offer participants $100USD honoraria for participating in a call whenever possible (though we can only offer one per participant even if they join both calls). Click on a link below to register for a workshop.

We also welcome feedback from small-group or 1:1 interviews. Click here to sign up for a user research chat with Chad Sansing, Product Manager at If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email Chad to arrange a call. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees $30USD for user research interviews.

Stay connected

Check back next week for more news about

Until then, you can find us on Mastodon (, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Please also take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter.