The next time you log in to, be sure to customize your profile! New options make it easier than ever to share your interests and experiences with PREreviewers, preprint authors, and editors across the community. Check out to get started!

This screen shot shows a user’s profile options for displaying information like their PREreview Slack community name, career stage, research interests, location, and languages on
Now users can customize their profiles on

Why should I update my profile?

The big idea is to help make other community members more aware of all your amazing contributions to open, peer preprint review so that you can find other reviewers, authors, and editors to collaborate with in the future. (Maybe you’ll even start a PREreview Club together!)

We hope that by providing community members with a more robust profile, it will be easier for them to share their work and interests with other community members, to find new partnerships for their scholarship, and to get increased recognition for their contributions to and open research in general.

By sharing the link to your public profile, you can let others know a bit about yourself and a whole lot about your contributions to open peer review.

With the launch of Structured PREreviews, it’s also easier than ever to deliver timely, substantive feedback to preprint authors, so now is a great time to customize your profile on ahead of all the Structured PREreview activity you might be adding there soon.

What can I add to my profile?

Once you log in, you can use the “My Details” page on to share your:

  • Career stage.
  • PREreview Slack community handle.
  • Research interests.
  • Location.
  • Languages.

Each of those items can be toggled between 3 privacy settings. You can:

  • Keep any of those pieces of information private.
  • Share any of those pieces of information publicly.
  • Share any of those pieces of information only with other logged in members of the PREreview community.

Once you connect your PREreview Slack community account with your account, you can also disconnect it at any time.

As always, your public profile will share your name, ORCID iD, and review activity by default along with any other items you choose to share.

This screenshot displays a user’s public profile listing their name, career stage, languages, and PREreview activity
A screenshot of a user’s public profile

Your pseudonymous profile will only share your pseudonym and the review activity associated with it. No information from your public profile will ever be attached.

This screenshot displays a screenshot of a user’s pseudonymous profile listing only their PREreview activity
A screenshot of a user’s pseudonymous profile

You can preview how both of those profiles pages will display for others from your My Details page, as well, to make sure that you're sharing exactly - and only - what you want to share by customizing your profile on

This screenshot displays a user's interface for previewing their profiles on
A screenshot of a user’s interface for previewing their profiles on

Very soon, our overhauled Profile customization options will also ask for your email. However, your email address will only be accessible to staff and used when necessary for things like Code of Conduct issues or permitted user notifications and communications. Your profile will not share your email address publicly or with other users.

What’s next for

We’ll return to profiles in 2024 to optimize them further based on feedback from community members like you. We’ll be overhauling our registration workflow and search features throughout the rest of 2023 and piloting the ability to request-a-review with a few partnered preprint servers. We’ll be gathering end-of-year feedback on all our recent changes, as well.

If you have feedback about customizing your profile on or any other part of the platform to share, please schedule a user research interview with Product Manager Chad Sansing. Click here to sign up for a chat. If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email Chad to arrange a call. Whenever possible, we compensate interviewees.

Stay connected

Be sure to join our Slack community to continue conversations with other PREreviewers whose profiles and work you discover on

And, as always, you can get all the latest PREreview updates on Mastodon, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as through our newsletter. Please take a moment to subscribe if you haven’t already.

About the author(s)

Chad Sansing is the Product Manager at Whenever he’s not at work learning more about how best to improve the site for our users, you can find him drawing, gaming, reading, walking, or hanging out with family, friends, and chief canine officer Sleepy the Dog.

This footer image displays PREreview's logo and says, "PREreview is a platform, resource center and convener. We provide ways for feedback to preprints to be done openly, rapidly, constructively, and by a global community of peers. Join us at and @PREreview_!"