Welcome back for the return of the weeknote from PREreview.org!

What’s new at PREreview?

Since our last update, we’ve been busy working on recommendation and search across our community Slack and website. Most recently, we’ve begun updating how #request-a-review messages appear on Slack so that you can more quickly scan each request for its subject-matter keywords and home preprint server. It’s our hope that this will help you more quickly identify and choose relevant preprints to review.

We've also made a change to our multiple-authors workflow that will prevent PREreviewers from accidentally declining an invitation to he listed.

Finally, we've linked PREreviews from our website back to their Zenodo pages, as well.

What’s next?

Once we’ve completed this round of improvements for the messaging on our #request-a-review Slack channel, we’ll spend a bit of time opening up the #share-a-review channel, as well, to highlight recently published PREreviews for our Slack community.

After that, we’ll begin overhauling the way PREreview.org itself handles search and recommendations so that reviews and requests for reviews are more findable and usable than ever.

Let us know what you think

If you have any feedback on recommendations, search, or another part of PREreview.org, please consider scheduling a user research interview with Product Manager Chad Sansing. Click here to sign up for a chat. If you can’t find an available appointment time that fits your schedule, please email Chad to arrange a call. Whenever possible, we offer interviewees honoraria in appreciation of their time and insights.

The #community-feedback channel of our community Slack is always open for your feedback, as well.

Stay connected

You can find us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Twitter, and LinkedIn, too.

Remember to subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest PREreview news.